We are so happy you are here and can’t wait to get to know you more and help you create your strongest PA school application so you can get accepted to PA school!!

We are Beth & Katie, Physician Assistants and Doctors of Medical Science with over a decade of cumulative experience teaching at PA programs! We LOVE pre-PAs and PA students – YOU are the next generation of medicine!

Through our years teaching at PA schools and sitting on the admissions boards, reviewing CASPA apps and choosing who to invite for an interview, interviewing and choosing who to accept, we know what PA programs are looking for in applicants. We saw so many amazing candidates make mistakes that cost them an interview or a seat in the program and we don’t want this to be you! Our rule: if you aren’t getting interviews, there is something with your CASPA app that is off; if you aren’t landing a seat, there is something about your interview answers/skills that need improvement.

Our mission is to provide you with all the tools you need to be a strong candidate so you have your most competitive application (even with weaknesses like a low GPA), outstanding personal statement, and strongest interview so you can get accepted into PA school!

We can’t wait to connect with you!

XO, Beth & Katie

Our Pre-PAs have been accepted to hundreds of PA schools – including these and more! Where would you love to get accepted?

As Seen In:

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